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Our Star Attractions

About Kindergarten

Each wall of nursery communicates with the little tiny toons through pictures, birds, animals, counting and rhythms, watching cartoons after studies etc.

Spoken English is stressed

In addition to this Total English is created around to make students confident while conversation with the assistance of all sorts of audio visual aids and with computer, the foundation of spoken English in the children is cemented with phonetics.


There is governess to look after the personal hygiene of the young children. Non stop ro drinking water is available.There are generators for uninterrupted electric supply.

Activity hall

There is a big activity hall (developed as kid zone) in the school campus which wobbles with educational toys and games. The toys are not for display but for everyday use of the children. The auditorium is for lectures, seminars, work shops, get together and is big enough to accommodate 400 chaired audience.


Our students take part in the activities of all kinds that explore their talent district and state level. Our school organizes Annual function with great rush of parents enjoying watching their wards. Various competitions like singing, dancing, making best out of waste, art & craft etc. are held for all around development of the students


There is well equipped science lab and library which are on the talks. Science lab contains all the required material so as to give student a chance to explore what is in books practically. A library is there to develop reading hobbies and increasing knowledge in various fields making optimum utilization of the precious time.

Ground and sports

The school has its own green grassy playground and facilities for indoor and outdoor games like table tennis, basket ball, volley ball, badminton. Kho-kho, chess, carom board, rings etc….

Regular check ups

Our school organizes regular dental check ups, eye check ups to make students aware of problems so that problems can be cured at the time. Proper professional are called to make students learn yoga and make them aware of medicinal uses of the natural products for getting rid of various diseases.

Show and trips

Proper shows are conducted to recreate students timely and regular trips are taken separately for all classes with maximum comforts and ease to make students learn and watch our nature.